Colt Bowden


My name is Colt Bowden; I am a McMinnville, OR, artist and sign painter. I fell in love with McMinnville 15 years ago when I visited my wife Abigayl's hometown for the first time. She was born and raised here and boasted that Mac was THE BEST place on Earth. I had lived in beautiful places with beautiful people like Hawaii, Utah, and Southern California, but when I came to McMinnville, I knew I was Home. Continued below.

Since childhood, I have loved drawing, painting, and creating in many ways, primarily through visual arts. In college, while studying illustration, I fell in love with the art and craft of sign painting. I was drawn to it, and it was to me. It quickly absorbed my life and carried me around the West Coast, painting signs, murals, and anything that would sit still long enough to be painted. Signs helped me stay in tune as an illustrator, and when the fun, creative project would come along, my artistic muscles were ready for the challenge.

For the last number of years, I have wanted to create a "Greetings From" postcard-style mural or sign for McMinnville. The challenge has always been, where do I find a wall long enough?! And then came the question, what to fill it with?! I started thinking of the places I loved to visit and see and things that I loved to do and that my family and friends in town loved to do, and then the pictures in the letters filled up rather quickly.

When the opportunity came to submit ideas for the alleyway mural project, I knew this could be a good fit. Also fitting was being able to paint directly underneath (across from) the oldest existing sign painted in McMinnville, the Bull Durham/Coca-Cola Ghost sign. These things inspire me, just imagining that the same place I painted long ago was a sign painter painting in the same spot. I reckon those old ghost signs are around 75-100 years old!

Alright, folks, I'm rambling at this point. I'd just like to say thank you to the good folks of McMinnville who have embraced me and the art I create. I do love it so.


Jessilyn Brinkerhoff: "TBD"