Katie Daisy &

Karen Eland

she/her & she/her

This mural is a tribute to the rich diversity of McMinnville’s local flora and fauna, and a celebration of the natural beauty that shapes the region. In it, you’ll see the Northern Flicker, Anna's Hummingbird, a honeybee, and the rare Fender's Blue Butterfly, thriving alongside Kincaid’s Lupine. These creatures coexist with Checkermallow, Red Columbine, and Camas flowers, each indispensable to our local ecosystem.

Continued below.

We made a deliberate choice to include the Yellow-shafted Flicker, a bird most commonly found on the East Coast but occasionally making a rare appearance in Oregon. This flicker serves as a symbol for the many visitors who travel great distances to experience the magic of McMinnville. By featuring this bird, we celebrate the joy and vibrancy that come with the arrival of guests, as well as pay homage to Visit McMinnville, the organization that made this project possible. Through this mural, we seek to forge a deeper connection with nature and to honor the spirit of community.


Joel Homes: "MAC-dala"


Natalie Fletcher: "Enjoy The Ride"